We have endeavoured to provide you with all of the neccessary tools and 3rd party applications to test LinkUP! 7 out to its full capacity within your own particular environment. To this end, the CD contains various components that we have divided into 2 main categories. Install LinkUP & Install 3rd Party.
This folder contains;
• LinkUP! Program Files
• LinkUP! Tutorial Files
• ODBC Instructions
• A Sample FoxPro Database
Install 3rd Party
This folder contains
• Abobe Acrobat Reader
• ODBC Support Files
• 30 Day INTERSOLV ODBC Driver Pack for PPC Macintosh
• QuarkXPress 3.32v5 Updater
• QuarkXPress 4.03 Updater
What do I need to install first?
All of the accompanying documentation is in AdobeAcrobat Format (PDF) so you will need to install the Adobe Acrobat Reader 3.0 if you do not already have it installed. This is located in the Install 3rd Party Folder.
The next document to look at is the LinKUP! 7 User Manual. You will find this PDF document in the LinkUP Folder. By reading this you will be able to get a better grasp of LinkUP! and the concepts and technologies involved.
The best place to start and see LinkUP! in action will be with the 5 Tutorials. These will enable you to see LinkUP! updating pages and let you interact and actually begin to prepare your documents for use with LinkUP! The Tutorials are located in the Tutorial Files Folder. You can either copy the files to your local hard disk or run them from the CD. Full instructions are contained in the accompanying PDF files within the instructions folder of each tutorial.
How do I test out LinkUP! with my own Database?
This depends entirely on what database you actually have. If you want to work with ASCII text data as we will in the Tutorials on the CD, then you can use the LinkUP! XTension used for these. If you would like to connect to an ODBC compliant database then there are other configuration issues to consider.
ASCII Data Files
Supplied with LinkUP! is an application called LinkDB. You will need to use this LinkDB file to convert your ASCII text file into a LinkDB file. This can then be used directly with the LinkUP! 7 LinkDB Demo XTension found on the Demo CD-ROM. There is a manual included on the CD-ROM explaining exactly how to use LinkDB.
ODBC Data Sources
If you would like to connect to your own ODBC compliant Database then there are several things to consider. Firstly do you have an ODBC driver for your Mac? Is there one available? You can look at the document on the MC Research Web Site - using the LinkUP! 7 Demo with ODBC Database for more information.
The Demo CD Rom comes packed with some of the more common ODBC Drivers for the Macintosh including the INTERSOLV ODBC PPC Driver Pack. the Visigenic MS SQL Driver and our own ODBC LinkDB Driver.
There is also a document contained on this CD with more detailed information on using LinkUP! with your own ODBC Databases.
If you have any further questions, either sales related or technical, please don't hesitate to contact us.